DUOYI Ultrasonic Leak Detector Tool
DUOYI Ultrasonic Leak Detector Tool
DUOYI DY26A Ultrasonic Leak Location Determine Meter
Dear friends, the following is the difference between DY26 and DY26A
DY26is suitable for testing leaks in confined spaces.
1. Put the transmitter DY26-T into a closed container to be tested.
2. Adjust the sensitivity of the receiver's DY26-R (you can adjust the sensitivity to the maximum at the beginning), and then hold the receiver DY26-R to slowly move along the measured object and listen to the sound from the headphones.
3. The closer to the point of the leak, the louder the headphones. (At this time you can adjust the sensitivity appropriately)
DY26Ais suitable for various leaks and has a 420mm probe.
1. Adjust the sensitivity of DY26A, hold DY26A slowly moving around the measured object,
2. The closer to the point of the leak, the louder the sound from the headphones.
If you are still not sure which one is better, you can consult the seller. Leave me a message. I will reply you as soon as possible.

360-degree detecting a leak
Highly sensitive sensor / sound and light double alarm / sensitivityadjustable / headphone connection

Your help with theauto repair
Scope of application
Automotive air conditioning compression system testing
Wheel , water tank , sealed space leak detection
Automobile brake system detection Bearing system . Bearingand lubrication testing
Liquefied gas tank truck , refrigerated truck , tank truck , cargo box ,welding pass , door , leak detection
Ultrasonic sealing non-breaking test
Train , motor car , high-speed rail door and window seal detection
cab wind detectionWind noise detection, electrical railway contact network detection

Sound and lightdouble alarm
The instrument has indicator light andaccompanying alarm sound ,
double alarmadjustable sensitivity ,
sensitivemeasurement ,
fast response

Pipeline leak detection
Tire leak detection
Door and window seal detection
Refrigeration equipmentleak detection

Sensitivity adjustable
High and low adjustment according to thedetected environment

Version Comparison
Choose The Right Instrument For You

High Sensitivity Sensor
Advanced high quality sensor with high sensitivityand fast response for more stable measurement

Highly sensitive and quick to find the leak
Sound And Light Double Alarm
When the leak is detected , the LED indicator lights up ,while the headset emits " Ta Ta Ta " sound the closerthe probe is to the leak , the faster the frequency of theheadset sound , the higher the volume

If you are outside, hold the DY26A along the object to measure the leak, you can find the leak location
If you are in a sealed container, you should check if the container is leaking. Choose DY26

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